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STRYDEGOR - In The Shadow Of Remembrance LTD.Digi-CD

Product number.: 6160

Price: 6,99 EUR


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Viking Metal Highlight! 2 full songs for pre-listening at: 84/100 The songs are not too complex and easy to get into, due to their glorious, epic feel. These young warriors show a proper combative attitude, while they have a bit more freedom in longer tracks like ‘Independent Realm’ and ‘Waves Of Sorrow’, for instance by inserting some captivating acoustic fragments. These emphasize the heaviness of the rest of the music. On top of this, all guitar skills are amazing: classic acoustic parts, marvellous riffs and very melodic solos. Sonic Seducer: Melodischer Viking Metal mit betont kämpferisch geladener Schwarwurzel- und Todesblei-Munitionierung, auch gesanglich. Dieses zweite Album ist ein Werk geworden, das die standhafte Band aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern erfreulich gesteigert zeigt. Vor allem Amon Amarth-Maniacs sollten voll und ganz auf ihre Kosten kommen. 14/15 Wer gekonnte Abwechslung sucht, auf eine extra Portion Viking Metal steht, sollte sich Songs wie "The Memorial Fire" und "Ride Into The Night" in voller Lautstärke antun und sich in den anmutenden, instrumentalen Stücken eine besondere Portion Entspannung gönnen. Dieses Album schreit nach einer Zugabe und punktet mit kräftigem Wiedererkennungswert! Unbedingt weiter so! 9/10 Auf dem Album wird der Thors Hammer mit unheimlicher Wucht geführt. Der Dreier versteht es ungestüm galoppierende Mucke zu kredenzen, die einem ungefragt am Schopf packt und mitnimmt auf eine wilde Reise. Wuchtig, wilder und doch sehr versierter Viking Metal, der sich keineswegs hinter der grossen Konkurrenz zu verstecken braucht. Der geneigte Hörer wird unweigerlich gezwungen die Matte kreisen zu lassen. 7/10 So vereinen Strydegor einige Metalrichtungen und bringen sehr fetzigen Viking Metal. Aber einige werden sich jetzt fragen, braucht man noch mehr Bands in dieser Sparte? Ja! STRYDEGOR is a young band from the southwest of Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania in North Germany. In 2005 Florian Kunde (gui./voc.), Sven Martinek (drums), Slava Giebel (gui.) and David Schenk (bass) founded the Metal band ''The Alphes''. At first everyone started to put his musical influences into music. What followed was a mix of different styles of Metal. In autumn 2006 David decided to left the band because of personal reasons and Clemens Thieke take over the place on bass guitar. Because they could not identify with their old name anymore, they changed their name into STRYDEGOR in autumn 2007 and found their right music style – Viking Metal. In March 2008 the four guys from Hagenow released their first demo album titled ''Legends of Midgard'' and the band got first reviews and comments. In autumn 2008 the demo EP ''Midwinter 's Eve'' followed which was an improvement in contrast to the first record. The positive resonances were the reason for STRYDEGOR to work on the success. After the release of their EP the Austrian record label CCP-Records payed attention on the band and in the same year after long considerations STRYDEGOR signed a contract. Now their first official album follows with the title ''Back on ancient traces''. Like the title says Strydegor want to send the listener on a trip on the traces of their ancestors. After the tragic loss of their guitar player and friend Slava Giebel, who died on the 23th of June 2009 in a car accident, the future of the band was uncertain at first. Now 2012 – 3 years later the left members release their second record called “In the Shadow of Remembrance”. With 10 brand-new tracks about the strong solidarity between brothers, the conflict between grief and destiny the guys from STRYDEGOR prove their place in the Viking-Metal-scene. The songs change from slow guitar riffs and doublebass-lines to classic acoustic guitar parts, but also fast and powerful songs are on the record either. With the intro and the title track “In the Shadow of Remembrance” for the first time there are also instrumental songs on the record as well. Discography: 2009: CCP 100283-2 STRYDEGOR-Back on ancient traces 2012: CCP 100292-2 STRYDEGOR – In the Shadow of Remembrance

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